Valve Pack Installation
Q: When installing the CMT Retro Fit valve pack, I have a question on the operation. I see that the shop air goes into the FRL. When the Solenoid is used it opens and closes the valve. Within this step, I am confused where the timer comes into play.
A: You give it a momentary start signal and we will send with it a air circuit diagram however maybe if we explain how it works and that will help you better:
- The valve has a spool which is a shaft with opening that when moved it lines up allowing air to a passage opening.
- On one side we have a solenoid which shoves it in one direction opening the air passage to allow air to advance the marker.
- On the other end of the spool is a spring trying to shove it back but doesn’t have enough power on its own.
- The air timer has its own little air passage which leaks air by to the spring side of the spool.
- Once the air pressure has build up on the spring side of the spool and valve assembly it along with the spring have enough power to overcome and return the spool to the return port opening.
- The timer has a adjustment so you can adjust it to how much air pressure you are running to get the desired depth.
Here is a link to our valve pack:
Note this is a large unit which flows the correct amount of air, and the timer is manufactured for us (obviously it is made in low quantities for us). You can see the aluminum cap on top of the valve which covers the timer adjustment (cap keeps people from playing with it once it is set). On the bottom of the valve you see the solenoid end. This valve pack actually works very well with any air cylinder moment and eliminates expensive PLC’s I/O & programming.