2D Code – Patented Square-Dot® Process

Square-Dot® is CMT’s patented high-resolution marking process to apply 2D/UID machine readable codes to a variety of materials. This process scribes a matrix of small square cells into the material. The mark provides the best direct part reading with a vision system as the cells are filled in a similar manner to a laser mark but much deeper and often with better contrast.

The Square-Dot® process may be implemented with any of CMT’S I-Mark Scribe systems, these include I-Series air scribe & the C-Series electric or air scribe.

The Square-Dot® patented process uses a diamond tip to draw squares on material to create a machine readable 2D/UID code. This technique creates both a depressed square and a raised ridge as shown below. The “filled cell” reflections create a more defined matrix as shown above, and therefore, offers better readability.
“Successfully read 10 out of 10 attempts on a rough aluminum casting with the hand-held reader.”
-Vision System Manufacturer

If you have further questions or would like a quotation, please give us a call at 586-949-8400. Or e-mail quotes@columbiamt.com.