“Seek & Find” Roll Marking Approach Stroke
Quick video of the exclusive CMT “see & Find” roll marking method.
FAQ about roll marking
Quick video of the exclusive CMT “see & Find” roll marking method.
Changing the model 860 or 260 from marking round parts to flat parts is easier than MANY other marking processes.
Q: The CMT AIR powered roll marking system is making “light” markings. How can this be reduced? A: These adjustments should help to reduce the “light marking” that you are seeing on the parts. 1.) You must adjust the slide advance timer. This controls how long the die is pressed Read more…
Q: What is the load height of the 4 sided barstock marker model 4040SD? A: The base includes holes for leveling feet and lagging to the floor however they are not included with the machine. Attached is a screen shot of what comes in the the base standard. The load Read more…
Question: I have a very odd shaped part and I am looking for a very quick load/ unload process to meet production requirements. My standard upright machine requires me to clamp and unclamp the part. What can CMT offer to speed up my process? Answer: Let gravity do some of Read more…
Question: I have 25 different parts and need a Roll Marking Machine with quick change over. Can you help us with this? Answer: Absolutely. Below are some photos of a completely programmable roll marking machine with a servo drive programmable slide stroke. With a tap of a button on the Read more…
Question: We are currently marking our parts .045″ deep. Can your marking machines mark that deep? Anwser: Most of the time we can but in most cases the marking depth is no where close to that deep. This customer told me that same thing but after testing their part, the Read more…
Q: We are having a problem with the same W stamp breaking on a frequent occurrence. The same stamp breaks each time, I also wanted to inquire about having a stamp plate made with a set screw on the side to hold the stamps in a rigid manor. A: The “W” is Read more…