Micro-percussion marking method using CNC technology
Micro-percussion marking method using CNC technology
CMT I- mark IM-M75 Marking 10 lines of text on a steel tag.
This document outlines how to setup and use the I-Mark start button which is purchased separately from CMT. The start button will be used to execute a particular program over and over without needing to interact with the software. This is useful if a PC is not available Read more…
Teach Function Manually teach your marking head to the location that you would like your text starting point on your part to be. Click on your text in your marking layout. To highlight the entity. In the bottom left hand corner you will see the manual Read more…
Graphics Handy Andy X also allows you to add DXF graphics or logos to your marking layout, You can input a graphic by selecting graphic from the ribbon or dragging it for the entity tool box. Once you click on the graphic icon Read more…
Creating a New Layout To create a new layout, you select the grid with a green plus sine in the top right corner of your program ribbon. After you select the new layout icon you will see a grid appear on your canvas. Read more…
Side by side test of the same part being marked two different ways. Aluminum Part Mark (25) 1/8″ characters with corresponding 2D code Method #1 Dot-Peen with IMID60 I-Mark Integrator Dot-Peen System IMID60 2D Code Method #2 Scribe with IMC150 I-Mark Custom Scribe System – Square -Dot IMC Square Dot 2D code Read more…
Model IM-ID60 with CMT’s new debris bellows cover. (high temp version) Ref. job AK07958 Click on picture to enlarge.