2D Code on Cast Surfaces

Marking on cast surfaces is a challenge. The roughness of the cast surface will “hide” regular alpha characters. Standard Dot-Peen 2D codes become impossible to read as the single dots for each cell blend into the cast surface background. CMT’s Square-Dot® is a patented high resolution marking process to apply 2D/UID machine readable codes to a variety of materials. This process scribes a matrix of small square cells into the material. The Square-Dot® patented process uses a diamond tip to draw squares on material to create a machine readable 2D/UID code. The mark provides the best direct part reading with a vision system as the cells are filled in similar to a laser mark but much deeper and often with better contrast.
The following is a study of Square-Dot® 2D marks into a range of cast surfaces. Cast surfaces are measured by AA (English) and Ra (Metric). Each cast surface rating is provided in English and Metric units. The first five 2D matrix marks are 3/8″ x 3/8″ square. The last two 2D matrix marks, in the roughest surfaces, are 1/2″ x 1/2″ square. On the left is a picture of the mark on the right is the camera reading.
32µ” AA / Ra 0.8µm |

63µ” AA / Ra 1.6µm

125µ” AA / Ra 3.2µm

250µ” AA / Ra 6.3µm

500µ” AA / Ra 12.5µm

1000µ” AA / Ra 25µm

2000µ” AA / Ra 50µm

“..and all other dot peen markers imprint a round dot; whereas a laser marker is capable of marking a square cell. This adds to the relative readability of laser marks in 2-D applications, since a theoretically perfect Data Matrix® 2-D code is based on square cells.”
-Dot-Peen Manufacturer
Square-Dot®, CMT’s patented high-resolution marking process, enables manufacturers to apply 2D/UID machine readable codes on cast surfaces with tremendous readability. The scribes a matrix of small square cells into the material provides superior results. The mark provides the best direct part reading with a vision system as the cells are filled in a similar manner to a laser mark but much deeper and often with better contrast.
If you have further questions or would like a quotation, please give us a call at 586-949-8400. Or e-mail quotes@columbiamt.com.