Case Study: Laser Mark of Steel Truck Frame

Published by Marc Steele on

Laser Mark of Automotive Seat Track
(24) 1/8″ characters laser marked on steel seat track in 1.4


This case study highlights the use of the YVO4 15-watt laser for marking automotive seat tracks. The objective was to achieve high-precision, legible markings while ensuring efficient production times and maintaining the integrity of the part surface.

Project Details:
Part: Automotive Seat Track
Material: Steel
Character Size: 1/8″
Number of Characters: 24 in two lines
Marking Method: Laser Marking
Machine Used: YVO4 15-Watt Laser
Cycle Time: 1.41 seconds
System Used: CMT Eclipse Laser System

Achieving high-speed, clear, and permanent markings.
Ensuring part tracking visibility without surface deformation.
Maintaining production efficiency in a high-volume environment.


The YVO4 15-watt laser, integrated with the CMT Eclipse Laser System, was chosen for its ability to provide sharp, durable, and highly visible markings without affecting the structural integrity of the steel seat track. The laser’s precision allowed for clear part identification within a rapid cycle time of 1.41 seconds.

Crisp and permanent markings for enhanced traceability.
No surface deformation, ensuring part integrity.
Increased efficiency with an ultra-fast marking cycle.
Improved part tracking for automotive manufacturing processes.


The implementation of the YVO4 15-watt laser with the CMT Eclipse Laser System proved to be an optimal solution for marking automotive seat tracks. Its speed, precision, and ability to maintain material integrity make it a reliable choice for industrial marking applications.

Marc Steele

Marc has been in the marking business for over 15 years. He provides technical assistance through emails and online chat.