Logo Mark on ROund part

Brand Identity

In these tough times, manufacturers look closely at what produces sales results. Recognized methods include: print ads, web-sites, direct mailing and conventions. Though these are all good ways, they are temporary and must be reinforced. The most important sales tool is usually overlooked – the product itself. In the very competitive performance racing industry, brand recognition is extremely important. Simple questions to ask yourself: Can your customers tell the difference between your product and your competitor’s? Does your product promote your company? Is your brand identity permanent? If you answered yes – you are the lucky few.

Model 78 Updates

Columbia Marking Tools now many new features on the popular Mite-E-Mark™ Air Impact Marker. Additional features include: additional stroke length, integrated position sensors, and a low maintenance non-lube feature. This air impact marker is commonly used for economically marking lot codes, acceptance marks, or machine ID codes on metal and plastic parts. They may also be used in staking, seating or assembly operations.

78, air impact marker, Mite-E-Mark