Square Dot vs Dot Peen 2D code
Side by side test of the same part being marked two different ways. Aluminum Part Mark (25) 1/8″ characters with corresponding 2D code Method #1 Dot-Peen with IMID60 I-Mark Integrator Dot-Peen System IMID60 2D Code Method #2 Scribe with IMC150 I-Mark Custom Scribe System – Square -Dot IMC Square Dot 2D code Read more…
Handy Andy making inconsistant mark
Q: We have had Handy Andy Engraver for about 10 years and have never replaced anything on it. It seems to be inconsistent on engraving, we used to use a 1/8” spacer from the tip of the engraver to our work, it now seems to be more like 3/8”. Could Read more…
Is it possible for the IMIS60 Scribe to retract 1″? Yes the new PZ option
Q: Is it possible that the Silent Scribe I-Mark system can retract 1″? A: Yes the PZ option is the perfect solution for applications where there is a concern about damaging the marking system during part loading and unloading. Video of PZ in action.
Handy Andy Com Port not being saved
Q: Is there a way to make the Handy Andy Professional software save the Com port after closing software and re-opening? It defaults to Com 3 at every start-up, which is not the port I am using, and I can not use Com 3 for the machine. Yes – this Read more…
I-Mark Controller Start Signal
Q: I’m working with a I-Mark Series impact printer and need to know how long the I need to hold the cycle start ON for to get the marker started? A: The I-Mark marking system only requires a momentary Start Signal to begin the marking sequence. As short at Read more…
IM300 Questions.
Q: We have an IM-300 with two ID60 heads at a customer’s facility. This unit is the first of two that has been in service for a few months. Our customer has raised a few questions that we are looking for answers for. 1. What is the expected life of Read more…
I-Mark Eternet IP
Q: We are experiencing a periodic Loss of “Marking In Progress” signal? A: We understand that there is a periodic communication issue with one of our systems. Please understand that all CMT I-Mark systems are fully tested and of course we do stand behind our warranty policy. Sometimes a look Read more…
Staking with Air Impact Marker
Q: We have an application where we need to stake two assembled parts shown in the picture below (bronze part press fitted inside SS part). The stake mark shown is approx. 1.6 x 3 mm in size and it was made with a hydraulic press using a 2.5 inch diameter Read more…
IMIS dot size and shape
Q: When your device mark one single dot on the part, what is the shape of the dot? Is it a square or is it a perfect round dot? A: 1. For a dot. The I-Mark unit travels to a X & Y location and pulses an electric solenoid with Read more…