288 MTTR and MTBF
Q: Every component that we use on all Chrysler projects require an uptime analysis.
What is the MTTR (Mean Time To Repair) and MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) data for your devices or catalog products?
Part #: CM8X16-P ~ Columbia insert marker & 288SPOB25DNL Columbia marker?
A: These are production dependent.
MTTR for the CM8X16 – is 1-2 minutes. The is a perishable item that can not be repaired but needs to be replaced.
MTBF for the CM8X16 – is 3 months. Life expectancy is dependent on production and environment. Most notable the hardness of the metal being marked
MTTR for the 288 – is 5-10 minutes. Depending on the skill level of the person changing the seals.
MTBF for the 288 – is 3-6 months. Depending on the quality of the air supplied to the marking system and the production rate.